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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

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read the printed word!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Prayer Request & Update

Its been a bit since I've blogged but life here has taken some twists and turns since September 27. First let me get to the prayer request; on September 28 we found out my Aunt Shelia (Nomi's Momma) has breast cancer. Its been a whirlwind of test and doctors appointments for her lately. She has infiltrated ductile carcinoma. She has a grade 3 tumor that will be removed by lumpectomy on Wednesday. The doctor will know then if it has spread and how advanced (what stage) her cancer is. She is still kinda shocked and "numb" about it but she is ready for the fight. She will begin 4 months of chemo on the 29th with 6 weeks of radiation to follow. Her port will also be put in Wednesday. I would like to ask everyone to be praying for her, add her to your personal and church prayer lists.Her name is Shelia, we call her Smurph lol. My daughter created this button to add to my blog as a reminder for everyone to pray. You are invited to snag it and add it to your blog also (let me know if you do and tell me where you are ex. Texas, England.... I'd like to tell her how many she has praying for her around the world.) Here is the button:
My youngest DS , Hoopy, turned 13 on the 30th. I cant believe how quickly he has grown. DD BabyGirl was accepted to our local community college where she will begin classes in January. DS Tman got his first job and he is loving it. Today we had our family reunion . I got to see my family that I only get to see about every 5 - 10 years so it was nice. We had a great time.
The leaves are changing quickly here in the Smokies since we had quite the cold snap lat week.  I'm looking forward to a sight seeing trip soon.  Well I guess thats about it y'all. Just keep praying for Shelia. God Bless! ~ Nikki

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