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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

~All blog content and photos on TnMtnRose are property of LNS the owner of this blog and may not be copied , reposted or used for any purpose without written permission from LNS with proper credit given. If you want to read about our homeschooling adventures or find free ministry printables, then feel free to use the links on the sidebars to visit my other blogs.~
read the printed word!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fair Time and Rain...

Well our county fair has officially started. We turned our stuff in Sunday and Monday. Our fair is not large by any means but we always have such a great time there. It gives a country feel to our growing city. I walked into the exhibit barn yesterday and all you could smell was drying tobacco. Memories of playing in the barn as a kid flooded my mind :) It was awesome.
We are finally getting some rain from TS Lee. Its rained since Sunday night. Everything has greened up so nicely. Maybe we can get in some rain before October so our leaves will have a chance to be spectacular. Lots of trees have been loosing them due to the heat. Today its cloudy, wet and 64 (at least for now).
I got some more canning done Saturday. We put up 2 gallons of pickles and 1 quart of banana pepper rings and 1 quart of mixed veggie pickles.I went by the farmers market and picked up some cukes. I hope to get lots more canned this weekend.
I'm beginning to get over this croupy crud I hope. I still have some stuffiness and coughing but its bound to be near the end. I hate being puny.It seems like Summer colds are always the worst too.
Let me know whats going on in your part of the world. Blessings ! ~ Nikki

Friday, September 2, 2011

September is National Sewing Month

September is national sewing month. The website above is hosting a neat contest. They also have some free projects. I'm going to post some links below for free patterns and such. Enjoy them :) Get busy sewing ! ~ Blessings! ~ Nikki

http://diyfashion.about.com/od/diyfashiontoolkit/ss/Duct_Tape_Dummy.htm (check this out)

Know of any more links I can add? Comment and let me know :)

Happy September

Wow , can you believe it is September already? Autumn is showing up in little ways here. I love it. I started my new classes the other day and so far so good. I have computer class with DD, BabyGirl. Thats fun :) I helped my Brother move into his new place yesterday. Then last night I started feeling real rotten. Then this morning I woke up with a full blown cold. My entire family had it last week so it was inevitable that I got it. I just dislike colds so much. I have some canning that I need to do but I just couldn't find my get up and go this morning lol Anyway, I've got a neat post coming up in a few for all those who sew out there. Let me know if you find the links helpful. Blessings! ~ Nikki