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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to really sit down and post. Ever have days like that?
Here's whats been going on:
I started my new math class and it is intense but I think I will be ok. I'm moving along in AP II and making good grades so far with all my test scores in the 90s. I still have to schedule my pre-nursing test.BabyGirl and I enjoy going to school together although right now we don't actually have class together. We do get to meet for break sometimes which is nice and kind of mellows the stress.
We spent a wonderful July 4th with family cooking out and shooting fireworks. We try to make family memories as often as possible because those are the things that will last.
This past Friday, Preacher's Dad had a heart attack so we had to rush to Chattanooga that afternoon. After having a stint put in my FIL is doing better now although they almost lost him three times during the stint surgery. He is doing better now praise God but please continue to remember him in your prayers. Preacher was able to do some work around the house for his parents while we were there.
It has been way too hot to be outside even in the evening. So we have been keeping cool by staying indoors as much as possible, which stinks cause it is Summer and our school vacation time lol.I water the garden and thats about the extent of my outside chores. The heat wave is suppose to break by this weekend though which is something I look forward to. Our "feels like" temp has been hovering around 105.
Our kitty had her babies. She had four and they are absolutely beautiful. The kids are trying their best to spoil them.
I have some health issues come up that I won't go into detail about but I do ask that you be praying for me. Really , really , really pray about this one :) Thanks
I thought I would end this post with some pictures. I did some picture taking while at my in-laws house. They have the prettiest gardens :) There are also some pictures of pickles and kitties so enjoy! Blessings! ~ Nikki

The "pretty" jar of pickles I made for the fair.

Homemade lasagna. It tasted better than it looks. It was my first time making it :)

I have an affinity for bugs on flowers :)...

... as you can tell :)

2 BUGS!!!!!!

oooooh...pretty :)

ahhhh...another pretty :)

I love the play of light on this one

Lemon Balm, the first herb I ever grew came from this garden; given to me by my FIL :)

I'm sure "sonflowers" are God's favorite. I know they're mine (plus roses)

Ragged and a lil worn but still beautiful :)

They're so cute! Isn't my lil Smurph (momma) a cutie?

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