I hope the new year finds everyone well. We were blessed to spend the beginning of our new year together playing silly games and just enjoying each others company. Last night we got snow and ice and frigid temperatures. We will see single digit temps later today. Winter has arrived, at least for a little while. I've not made any new year resolutions but instead I have set some goals for myself and my home.
One of those goals is to deep clean and de-clutter my home. We live in an older house with paneled walls and wood floors, which of course equals untold amounts of dust; and this dust accumulates on everything, and everyone if you sit sill long enough. Frankly I'm tired of dusting "stuff". I feel like we are buried under so much clutter, not that we are hoarders , we just seem to have an abundance of things we no longer use or need. I'm ready to let it all go :) I desire more simplicity in our home. Less time spent cleaning is more time spent in more amiable pursuits. The thing about cleaning is, I don't want to get so overwhelmed by the process that I give up due to the stress. I often do my clean up in 15 minute sprints. Each room would get 15 minutes of my time each day . This system works great for me in doing everyday cleaning so my desire is to find a similar system for deep cleaning. BREAK IT DOWN .... so it doesn't break me lol So TA DA... I'm gonna use the 31 days to a clean house concept from Clean Mama. Check out her free cleaning printables HERE. Using this concept I hope to be able to get all my house de-cluttered in reasonable amounts of time. One task per day should get us Spring cleaned in a month. Now that makes me happy .
If cleaning lists and other organizational things are what you are looking for then you have to do some searching on Pinterest, but I'm sure you all have already been enjoying that lovely site. I have a love hate relationship with it. I love how I can find anything on there and can peruse til my heart is content but I hate the fact it is like a rabbit hole...always leading onward and I do spend a lot of time there that could be spent elsewhere. But what a resource right!?!? Blessings and stay warm!
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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)
I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...
~All blog content and photos on TnMtnRose are property of LNS the owner of this blog and may not be copied , reposted or used for any purpose without written permission from LNS with proper credit given. If you want to read about our homeschooling adventures or find free ministry printables, then feel free to use the links on the sidebars to visit my other blogs.~