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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ramblings for today...

October is quickly fading away. Today it feels more like Fall than ever. The wind is gusty and the temps are hovering around 49, with drizzle and sleet mixed in with the sun in the valley here and snow on our highest peaks. The leaves should be glorious after this cold snap. Life has been moving quickly too. Nursing school and clinical has been taking up a lot of time. Our homeschool is leaning more toward very eclectic and almost unschoolish this semester; which is just fine and dandy with us. The kids seem to be learning more by choosing what they want to study in their social studies and life skills. Everything can be quite overwhelming to me sometimes; especially with work too but praise God the chaos is never more than He can bear. I once lived by numbering my days and I have really gotten away from that lately. So my goals for the rest of this year are to get back on track with scheduling my time and getting some more preps in order. I have so much reading to do too so that I can get caught up on everyone's blogs. If there were an award for being an inconsistent blogger, I would be an ideal candidate for it but I'm hoping to get more involved with my blogs ( I know I say that a lot) again. It was once my "time out", my "me" time, and it brought me great pleasure. I miss it :( 
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