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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Its Hot! ... Appreciate Your Volunteers :)

The temps here have been so nasty . We have been having 90 degree weather since May which is unusual for us. It has been so dry too. We did get rain the other night. A good long but unfortunately heavy rain which helped some with the garden but did wash away some things. We need a nice steady 3 day rain. My garden is looking very pitiful. We water and fertilize but its just not helping much. I'm hoping that if I replant for a fall crop it will do better. Looks like the farmers market for us this year though to supplement our food supply.
Preacher and I went thrift store shopping the other day and he picked up a bag of knitting needles for me for $1. It had about 8 or so in it. I'm not very good at knitting but I do enjoy working at it. I still have not completed crocheting my girls' summer glove order. Time to get on the ball I guess.
My oldest son T volunteers with the Rescue Squad here and he does such an amazing job. He will be going to school to become an EMT/Paramedic after high school. He has such a big heart and loves helping people. I just wanted to give him a little shout out here. I LOVE YOU T AND I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!

If you have a volunteer in your life, let them know how much they mean to you. Sometimes they are so under-appreciated.
Well have a blessed day everyone! ~ Nikki

1 comment:

Cary Ann said...

I know exctly how what you all are going through garden wise. We are getting rain today and so grateful for it...just hope it isn't a little to late. Oh, your boy looks super sweet! I know he has a bright future ahead of him! Congrats on your grades at school! I tried to comment the other day but my internet connection was terrible and it wouldn't let it post. I wish you the best of luck in all your doing :)
Many Blessings,
Cary Ann