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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

~All blog content and photos on TnMtnRose are property of LNS the owner of this blog and may not be copied , reposted or used for any purpose without written permission from LNS with proper credit given. If you want to read about our homeschooling adventures or find free ministry printables, then feel free to use the links on the sidebars to visit my other blogs.~
read the printed word!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Warm Sunny Days

Today has been spectacular. The sun has been out and we actually got to 65 degrees. I'm loving it. I opened the windows and spent a lot of time outside just soaking up the sun. And cleaning my front porch of course. Tomorrow is suppose to be warm too so I'm looking forward to that. Cold weather sets back in next week but Spring will be here in about 6 weeks so I'm happy. Blessings everyone! ~ Nikki

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quick Catch Up

For the past few days we have been fending off a tummy bug. It trickles down through the family so maybe by weeks end we will all be done with it. We are expecting more snow tonight into tomorrow. Not sure yet what we will get. Weather guy says it depends on what system gets here first;cold air or precipitation.
My oldest Son joined the local rescue squad Saturday as an Explorer. He wants to be a paramedic and he can earn scholarships through working with the squad. He is very excited and so am I. He is learning the trucks right now but his first official classes begin in February with a skywarn class that teaches about severe weather. Parents are welcome in this class too and he wants me to attend. Then its on to his first aid, CPR; First responder type courses. My youngest Son is going to join the Explorers team of our local volunteer fire department as soon as their class starts up.
We have been looking  around for a newer vehicle. We are seriously thinking of buying a suburban (4x4) although I fell in love with the Dodge Durangos. I love the Suburbans too, always have and they do have more room so we are gonna pray about it and see what the Lord wants us to do.Although I would love to hear y'all's opinions too on the pros and cons of each. Larger vs smaller and such. So comment and let me know what your thoughts are.
Last Friday for supper I fixed a HUGE roast that I had caught on sale at Food City. It cost $20 but was marked down from $30; and it was indeed HUGE. So Saturday I took the leftovers and made beef stew and we finished it off on Sunday so we got three good meals out of that $20 roast. I won't buy meat at those prices unless I can spread it out like that.
We had a very short school day today because we have to leave in an hour or so to get Preacher from work. He has an appointment at the VA medical center today. We finished most of our science unit today (human body). We will be done and testing out by Friday. We would have been done with it much sooner but we have done a ton of running this year plus we have two student conventions to prepare for so we have to get those projects done too.It all works out in the end though because in reality its what they have learned and committed to heart and memory more than what "pages" we have finished that matter to me. We are learning wherever we go it seems. Every day brings a new "science" or "social studies" lesson outside of our textbooks. Yeah, we claim we are eclectic homeschoolers but we do have some "unschooling" tendencies in us :). I'm wondering how to plan our homeschool for next year. Although I am returning to school myself I still want to continue teaching our kids at home because we love it and its what they want to do too. If they change their minds then we will look at other options . Are there any of you other homeschool mommas out there who have homeschooled and attended school at the same time who could toss out some tips for me? Comment and let me know. Thanks in advance and have a blessed day!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

10 Random Things About Me

We did this over at The Deliberate Homesteader. I thought it was fun so I'm passing it along here. Will you join me? Leave a comment with your post link so I can read your random things. Blessings! ~ Nikki
1. I was a tomboy growing up.
2.My papaw taught me to hunt,fish and run traplines.
3.I had to carry water from a springhouse when I was a kid and use the "outhouse". (My Grandparents didn't have indoor plumbing).
4. I was a Metal Trades student in high school. Yes I can weld...even won awards for it.
5.I have always loved to write (from poetry to music to stories).
6.I've built race cars.
7.When I read a book I "hear" the characters in my head. Especially if I have seen the movie based on the book.
8. If I see someone cry...even on tv it makes my eyes water...and I cry.
9.I love history... theres nothing like looking in the past to see what will happen in the future because history repeats itself. Really...stirrup pants,leg warmers and bell bottoms came back didn't they? Big hair will be next; I have faith in it ...lol Seriously though, our past can teach us great things.
10. I hate looking over the edges of things;like bridges, buildings,cliffs,etc. I developed vertigo years ago and it makes me feel dizzy and sick when I do that. Which is weird for me now because I used to climb like a monkey.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some Poetry ...Fitting For Today

It is cold.Let me rephrase that...it is VERY cold today. Everything is covered in snow and ice here. And although I have a ton of housework to be done, I have spent the morning vegging. I plan on having a nice warm cup of pumpkin pie spice cappuccino and then getting busy. I promise :) The kids have school work to do too. I let everyone sleep in this morning because we were unable to make our dentist appointment. Since we homeschool though we can start late if we want to. 
I had this poem come to mind this morning and thought I would share it with you. I have loved poetry for as long as I remember. My Mamaw had a book of poetry that I loved to read through when I was at her house. Thats where I fell in love with poets like Robert Frost (who happens to be my favorite). So today you get to enjoy one of my favorite Frost poems. I even included a picture I took a few years ago at Newfound Gap. I thought it kinda fit the poem.Have a blessed day everyone! ~ Nikki
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Googled...

My daughter told me the other day that Googled was a dead word. But today...I Googled anyway. I don't why. I think I was just curious...so I Googled me. Believe it or not I exist in the Google world. I'm there! I show up in the results. I found myself in the white pages, on Julia Bettencourt"s website for Women's Ministry where she used a devotion I wrote ( I was so excited it when she told me...I love knowing my writings and thoughts might help someone), I found where another of my devotions was reprinted in a newsletter for a Methodist church,I found my blog listed too. So what did I learn from Google today? That whether we realize it or not we make an impact on someone somewhere. The question is; what kind of impact do we make? Good... or bad?

So be careful where you leave your footprints because someone will follow behind you at some point and hope that your footprints will lead them in the right direction. Blessings! ~ Nikki

Monday, January 10, 2011

More Snow And Indoor Growing Tip

Well , its here! More snow! Its very pretty and really coming down. It somewhat disheartens me though; I get the feeling that its going to be a long Winter :( I'm already longing for Spring so I can play in the dirt . I would love to get my "maters" going inside but my worries are that our March won't be very warm. I'd really hate to baby them for so long only to have the cold take them out. But such is the way of gardening right? I need to start saving up some plastic takeout containers. I use the bakery/deli type plastic containers from the grocery store to use as mini greenhouses when I start my plants. They work great. Anyone else have any indoor growing tips? Blessings! ~ Nikki

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nelson's Biblical Cyclopedic Index ~ Booksneeze Book Review ~

Book Description

The beloved Biblical Cyclopedic Index from The Open Bible is now available as a stand-alone resource, for use with any Bible or translation.
With more listings than any other Bible resource available, Nelson’s Biblical Cyclopedic Index reference tool helps readers quickly pull together a thorough and comprehensive Bible study, lesson, or sermon.
Completely unique, Nelson’s Biblical Cyclopedic Index combines the features of a concordance, a topical Bible, and a Bible dictionary. It is a special kind of subject index that combines the best features of a concordance and a topical index. It’s an incomparable resource for Bible study, with more subjects detailed than any other publication. The Biblical Cyclopedic Index offers more listings than any other similar Bible resource available. With more than 8,000 subjects, names, places, things, concepts, events, and doctrines of the Bible, it is the one resource every church and personal library can’t do without.
 I was excited to get this handy Bible study tool. I love how it is 3 tools in one. I like having a good reference book nearby when I study my bible. This little book is compact but is not so small as to be illegible. The pages are bright with clear print so its easy on the eyes. You could easily carry this in your bible book bag to have it handy for church. Please note that it is not exhaustive though so it does not include references to everything in the Bible. It has a nice reference tool though and I am glad I had the chance to review it.I think you would love it and I recommend adding it to your Bible study library. Blessings! ~ Nikki
* I received this copy from Thomas Nelson Publishers (Booksneeze) in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.*

Saturday, January 8, 2011

So Far In The New Year

We have had snow...more than our fair share I dare say. We actually had a white Christmas which was nice. We had a great holiday spent with our family. Our new years weekend was great. Preacher's sister and her family came up.
I have been working on a baby quilt that I will be selling on Etsy when it is finished. I'm hoping to make a few extra dollars this year to supplement our income.
The big news for me this year? I applied to our local community college . I will be enrolling in their nursing program. I first have to take some biology courses (prenursing stuff). I'm excited though. I knew that I wanted to go back to school it was just a choice between teaching and nursing. I chose nursing  because I've always wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse. For years I considered getting my teaching degree but after much thought and prayer I just don't feel that I could acclimate to the indoctrination and aversion to Christianity that is going on in our public schools these days. I love homeschooling my kids and will continue to do so. We will just have to do some work on scheduling when I know when my classes will be. I don't start til this fall so we have a bit to work on details.
I have three pumpkins that are sitting around waiting to become pumpkin butter. They were suppose to be in jars weeks ago lol but I cant seem to find my motivation for it. Y'all need to encourage me to get busy, these things won't last forever :)
I did receive my first seed catalog the other day. I realized that I pretty much want everything in the book. Sadly I have not the space nor funds for that :) I'm really not sure how I'm going to do my gardening this year. I know the "maters" will be a staple this year as always. I will probably do cukes of course as my kids feel the world revolves around pickles. Do y'all have your garden plans ready yet? What are you planting?
Blessings! ~ Nikki