This past week we have been working on our Fall cleanup. We trimmed bushes and trees and cleaned out the front flower garden. I let it grow wild throughout Spring and Summer because of the grapes and sweet smelling honeysuckle so you can imagine what a mess the vines are in Fall. I had enough vines though to make six wreaths for Fall decoration. You can't beat free material especially since we are so broke. I have some decorations put up in the garden. When I get it finished I will post some pictures.
Our veggie garden is dying out. We have a few tomatoes still and the last of the cukes will be ready in a few more days. I do have some voluntary cuke vines growing but not sure if they will survive through Fall to produce. Would be nice though. We have been canning pickles and finishing up projects for our county Fair next week. I have been working on some aprons for my Momma and Aunts for Christmas. I am making them out of vintage cloth that belonged to their Momma. Since money is scarce this year due to Toodles layoff last December, most of our Christmas gifts will be homemade or something that people can use. For the last several years we have been making homemade breads and the like for our family and they seem to really enjoy them.
I hope to find a great deal on pumpkins this Fall. I want to make some pumpkin butter and can some to have for baking. I love warm pumpkin bread. If the orchards have decent prices we want to buy some apples and make apple butter too. Anyone have a thought on what the best apples for apple butter are?
Blessings ! ~ Nikki
Submitted on 2009/09/04 at 6:12pm
Loving the idea of homemade bread as gifts! I wish I was better at baking it, my bread always comes out so stumpy no matter what recipes I try, not sure what Im doing wrong. Got any ideas?
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