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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

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read the printed word!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


May 13, 2009
We finally have sunshine! We have had several days of rain over the last few weeks but it has been great for "greening" things up. We actually had some Spring flooding which hasn't happened in a few years. Now the trees are green and the grass has that awesome Spring green color too. My garden is growing well. I don't have a lot of space to plant so I am going to be doing some container gardening now that the rain has stopped. I have a few things in containers now like tomatoes and peppers and they are doing well. I want  to get the kids pools and 5 gallon buckets and plant "taters" in them. I have also tucked some things into my flower gardens and they are doing well also. I found it to be a great place to plant my yellow squash so that the vine can climb my Papaw's old wooden ladder I have in there and I planted some  jack-o'-lantern Pumpkins in my flower bed also. By harvest time my flowers will have died off and there will be plenty of room for my pumpkins.I took some pictures this morning to share with you. Please ignore the weeds ( you know what I will be doing this evening ). I have a good excuse ... the rain :)
Cukes! DH and I will be building a trellis for them to climb . I will post pics when we get it finished.

One of the many varieties of "maters" we have growing around here. What can I say ... we love them ! (Except for DH) It's time to look for the mater cages I think.
Tender onions ... salad anyone? Or maybe just as they are with a sprinkle of salt.

Taters! We planted these as an experiment, just to see if they would grow in the bed and they are doing great!

Some of our peppers. I want to be able to can some of the banana peppers. Does anyone have a recipe for that?

Now how about some flower pics?
The purple columbine has been so pretty this year. I plant it everywhere :) It is well on its way to seeding now.

Honeysuckle grows everywhere here and it smells so good! Not to mention it is a sweet treat.

Something is enjoying nibbling on the sunflowers.

Oh , sweet william!

My beautiful rose my Momma and Daddy bought for me. This is the first bloom.

Our resident nuthatch.

Well I hope you have enjoyed the post . I want to try and get this blog all primped and squared away the way I like it . I want to add some recipes we use and stuff like that . So keep checking back . Blessings! ~
Thought for today:
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
(Romans 8:31 KJV)
Your vegetables are just gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing all these great pictures……..Many blesssings!

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