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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

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read the printed word!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

First Day Of Summer

Well with the temps and humidity we have been having the last few weeks you would think Summer has been here for a while. Its been HOT! The garden is growing well. We have had plenty of rain in spite of it being so hot. I need to get the trellis up for my cukes. I am running way behind in my outdoor chores. I just hate being out in this heat especially since we all have a summer cold right now. It saps your strength anyway. Mix it with wet heat and its awful. I'm whiny ... I know LOl
We just had to order a $200 part to fix our van. Its been down again. I'm pretty encouraged though. I told Preacher that by the time we are done it will be like new since we have replaced nearly everything on it :) My Momma has been gracious enough to let us use her car , again. Thanks Momma!
I have been getting some things together and organized for our new school year. September will be here before I know it so I want to be prepared. I have uploaded some new calendars to my HSlaunch page. You can get there by checking out my "Home & School Printables" page on this blog. If anyone uses the FROG planner I made last year , I uploaded some new calenders for it too.
Well, I'm out of here for the moment. We are going to the library and then I get to babysit my "extra kids". have a great day everyone! Blessings! ~ Nikki

Hot here too! We are in a heat advisory this week. I am praying for some coool rain :O)

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