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Some photos for you to enjoy :) (Another Quick Catch Up Post)

I hope the day finds everyone well and happy :). I have been lurking and reading a lot lately but honestly my brain has been too fried to re...

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

More Maters ! YUM!

Apr 30, 2009
I went by our local farmers market and picked up some yellow squash and some Green Zebra tomatoes. My uncle said they are great fried. I have read online that they are easy to grow and have great taste too. The one problem that I have read about is that they are not very disease resistant. We will have to replant our watermelon and pie pumpkins. They didn't come up for some reason so we will try again. I also bought some sweet banana peppers and they seem to be thriving. I also bought some yellow bell peppers.Our flower beds are doing great . The purple columbine is so beautiful this year. I need to get batteries for my camera so I can post some pictures. My irises grew tall this year and have some lovely blooms and they smell so good! I read on another blog that their family uses child size swimming pools for extra garden space. I think I might buy a few and try it. We can pick them up around here for about $6 - $12. I also wanted to share an idea with you. This year when we planted our seeds I used the plastic trays you get from the grocery store deli (cakes, bread and cupcake trays) and plastic tomato trays as mini greenhouses. Our seeds grew so fast in them and you can reuse them again and again. We just filled them with potting soil, planted, watered and watched them grow. The mini cupcake trays seem to work best if you use the potting soil pellets. Well have a Blessed Day and Happy Gardening! ~ Nikki
Don't worry, everyone has to replant sometimes…….It is just the way gardening is.
I have not tried the pool thing. Have you thought of going to the thrift store? You may be able to pick them up even cheaper! Happy gardening!

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